
USA Scholarship

The Union Services Access Scholarship Fund has been established to give back to USA union members and award their sons and daughters on their academic accomplishments.

Scholarship rules and instructions:

  • Applications must be postmarked by July 31st, 2020.  All required documents must be submitted together, in one package, with the application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Ten (10) scholarships of $1000 each will be awarded to the children of USA union members. The parent of the applicant must be a current member of a local union affiliated with USA, and must be in good standing with the union.
  • Students must be entering into their first year of college for the full 2020-21 school year.
  • These scholarships must be used for study at an accredited U.S. four (4) year college or university. USA will not impose restrictions of any kind on the course of study.
  • Judges will be looking for highly motivated students that are involved in extracurricular activities, possess strong leadership qualities and place a high value on education.

Application Requirements:

  1. Student must be entering college in the 2020-2021 school year. Student must also be a son or daughter of a union member in good standing with a union who is affiliated with Union Services Access (USA).
  2. A copy of the student’s final report card from the previous academic year along with a copy of the student’s most recent semester report card must be provided. Both report cards must have a general average of 80 or above.
  3. Student must provide at least two letters of recommendation from current or former teachers.
  4. Student must submit a 500 word essay. Essay topics are listed below.
  5. Student must provide an acceptance letter from the college/university they will be attending in fall 2020.
  6. The application must be completed in its entirety. All required documents must be submitted together, in one package, with the application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to see that all the above items are received on time and that they are sent to:

  • Pat Bianculli, Esquire, Vice President of Union Services Access, One Commerce Square, 2005 Market Street, 18th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103

Download the form by clicking here.

For more information contact 1-877-91UNION.

Essay (500 words) Please choose one of the five topics listed below:

  1. What are your major accomplishments, and why do you consider them accomplishments? Do not limit yourself to accomplishments you have been formally recognized for since the most interesting essays often are based on accomplishments that may have been trite at the time but become crucial when placed in the context of your life. This is especially true if the scholarship committee receives a list of your credentials anyway.
  2. What is your strongest, most unwavering personality trait? Do you maintain strong beliefs or adhere to a philosophy? How would your friends characterize you? What would they write about if they were writing your scholarship essay for you?
  3. What have you done outside of the classroom that demonstrates qualities sought after by universities? Of these, which means the most to you?
  4. What are your most important extracurricular or community activities? What made you join these activities? What made you continue to contribute to them?
  5. What are your dreams for the future? When you look back on your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What people, things and accomplishments do you need? How does this particular scholarship fit into your plans for the future?
  6. Share with us how the pandemic has impacted or changed your life.